Home > Product:Medical > Medical > Medical > Carbon Dioxide Carbon Isotope Ratio Analyzer/Infrared Spectral Analyzer POCone

Carbon Dioxide Carbon Isotope Ratio Analyzer/Infrared Spectral Analyzer POCone

An infrared spectral analyzer that measures the change in the carbon isotope ratio (13CO2/12CO2) in carbon dioxide in breath gas air




 Reproducibility Standard deviation ― 0.3‰ or lower
(Condition: 10 measurements of Δ 0‰
standard gas with 3% CO2 concentration)
 Precision Within ±0.3‰
(Condition: Average value of 10 measurements)
 CO2 concentration
 range to be measured
0.5% or higher
 Necessary sample amount 120mL/bag or more
 Measuring time Approx. 2 minutes
(when measuring 2 bags for 1 sample)
 Power supply AC100 - 240V , 50/60Hz
 Power consumption Approx.200VA
 Dimensions 220(W)×272(H)×361(D)mm
 Weight Approx.10kg

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